Welcome To My Blog

Name: Henry Cyin
Gender: Male
Hobby: Singing & Play instrument, Learning(Science), Bakery, Sports, Martial Arts.
Interest & Academy: Science(Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

College Life, closing to examination.

Examination is around corner, I started to fight for better results! "Sleep is for the weak!!" Haha...

The first drawing ever drawn in college life, while listening to serenity musics, heat-up the artistic side of me.
Drawing name: "Summer Beach". It is one of my favorite scenes, with a poem below:

Listen to the breeze of the sea,
Along with the voice of seagulls,
Drill your foot into the wet sands.

Looking upon the blue sky,
Along with the deep blue sea,
Set your Soul free from pains and Emotions, 
Take a deep slow breath and let your mind know that
All is Well.
- Cyin -

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