Welcome To My Blog

Name: Henry Cyin
Gender: Male
Hobby: Singing & Play instrument, Learning(Science), Bakery, Sports, Martial Arts.
Interest & Academy: Science(Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Monday, October 1, 2012

First Timer for Sing & Record

It's been weeks that I keep practicing this chinese song sang by Show Luo - Ai bu dan xing. This is the first time I done Sing & Record all by myself, including the setup of software for recording, made a lot of adjustments and made my computer error/clash that freak me out...Now my computer is fixed and became a home studio I called it (System Perfected) :-)...After several attempts of testing, I decided to sing & record. Here's the product, though I found that I didn't perform this song very well but I'm totally satisfied and happy with this. Anyways, I'm proud of myself that I faced resistance of myself. For viewer(s), you may leave some comments below because I need some improvements. Thank you and Enjoy~! Have a nice day!

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